Monday, January 10, 2011

craving for pizza

We had pizza last night. But it's not a delivery pizza. It's just a grocery bought starter kit pizza, 2 whole wheat crust and 2 packs of pizza sauce. I just added ketchup in the sauce so it will be sweeter, my kids preferred sweeter taste.

Cheese pizza for the kids and veggie pizza for the adults. I don't have the picture of cheese pizza because they had started eating it. :)

Love the crust! Brand name is Molinaro try it. It cheaper also.


  1. Ok, you just put me in the pizza mood! Think we'll have this for dinner tonight!

  2. Now this looks GOOOOD!!

    Happy Monday Darling! xo

    Oh, and have you checked out my $75 EmersonMade GIVEAWAY yet??

  3. checking your blog while i'm hungry was NOT a good idea! ha.

  4. That looks delicious! Now you're not the only one who has a craving for pizza!

  5. I have yet to make homemade pizza. Everyone I know who has done it, loves it so much better. Yours looks delicious too!

  6. Yum yum, the pizza looks awesome!
    Thanks so much for the kind comment you left on my post.
    Have a terrific day!


  7. looks yum! whole wheat crust sounds good to me :)
