Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My MOnday Adventure

Tell me why I don't like Mondays as the song says...

I went out early yesterday to go to Service Canada. It will take 3 buses to go there. When I reached my 2nd stop, oh my there's the 3rd bus! And there I was, running as if I'm in a track and field race. And it's so dangerous bec. it'a busy street with all the trucks, cars and buses passing. I don't know how'd I manage to cross that street, and I Made it to bus number 3.

I got off walked straight to SC office. Waiting time- 40-60 minutes. I'll be stucked here I said to myself. Then, the receptionist called me, I told her what I need and just found out that my ROE (records of employment) is submitted already electronically. What the heck??? And I thought I should submit it personally!

I went staight to the washroom, checked my appearance(what do I look will all the running), did my business there and left SC office.

There I go again, destination: bus stop again. Waiting for the bus took me 15 mins. longer than staying in SC office. Luckily, the weather yesterday is nice. But my backpack is killing me. I don't know why, I did not bring any lunch. Maybe my water bottle?

I reached the nearest mall. I still have time to eat lunch and look around.Yey! This is the part that I'm looking forward to. I can look for my Xmas tree decor.

Got the decor, went straight again to bus #2 and off to work again...


  1. what a quite adventure you have there... i'm sure you enjoy it...

  2. hi,novas!
    i enjoyed just a bit of it,and now my legs hurt.
    have a nice day!

  3. how come my comment was not published the first time? I hope you had a great time shopping the christmas decors ans! im planning to get mine after thanksgiving, and maybe just buy at the local thrift shop:-)

  4. Hi there, I just found your site with entre card and I was reading the graphics you have along the side. I love the one which talks about laughing versus crying. I get headache far too often as it is, so I surely should laugh more!
